
  • 400 g of wheat flour – Plus enough to roll out the dough
  • 1 glass of slightly warm or room temperature water
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil


  • Step 1: In a bowl sift the 400g of wheat flour

  • Step 2: Mix the salt with the flour, make room in the middle of the flour and add the water and oil

  • Step 3: Mix with your hands, when everything is already more or less firm

  • Step 4: Put some flour on the countertop, table or marble so the dough doesn't stick, then place the dough

  • Step 5: With the dough on the firm surface, start kneading well, with both hands. Try to use your palms more than your fingers

  • Step 6: Knead the dough for 5 to 10 minutes

  • Step 7: Divide the dough into 8 smaller pieces

  • Step 8: With the help of the rolling pin, open each dough well, always adding flour above and below, then running your hand over it to remove the excess

  • Step 9: The ideal point is that the dough is thin, but not to the point of being able to see the shadow of things through it

  • Step 10: With the help of a wide knife, roll the dough around the blade, the idea is to create a roll and then remove the knife to cut the dough

  • Step 11: Cut the dough the width you want your noodles to be, try to keep the width pattern between one cut and another

  • Step 12: To dry the dough, carefully open each roll, sift more flour and hang thread by thread on a hanger

  • Step 13: The ideal time for drying is 1 hour, but to store the ideal is to let it dry for 2 hours


  • 1: For this recipe you will use about 700g of flour in all, as we use a lot of flour to roll out the dough. So set aside a kg and leave it at your disposal so you don't have any surprises when making the dough

  • 2: If you don't have a scale, the tip is to put half a kg of flour and take a handful to reach 400g

  • 3: Sifting is very important because sometimes the flour comes with little bugs or lumpy pieces, and when we pass it through a fine sieve we can see this type of problem

  • 4: Knead the dough calmly, as the gluten in the flour takes a while to act, so there's no point in trying to rush with the preparation, making fresh dough takes time

  • 5: The dough is hard at first, but it softens and becomes more 'tasty' as you knead

  • 6: The right point of the dough is when it reaches a uniform mass, without acorns, smooth and not sticky

  • 7: Flour dough is elastic, it will be impossible to open without adding more flour, but avoid overdoing it, as the dough will be heavy

  • 8: To cut the dough you will need to pass a little more flour, on both sides of the dough, do not skimp because if you use too little flour the dough will stick

  • 9: You can cook the pasta as normal even before it dries, although once it dries the flavor is more appealing

  • 10: Once your dough is completely dry you can put it in a pot with a lid and keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months