
  • 1 packet of dry yeast
  • 200 g wheat flour type 1
  • 150 ml of warm water
  • 50 ml of olive oil (can be less)


  • Step 1: Mix the flour and salt in a small bowl

  • Step 2: Mix the yeast with the warm water in a large bowl

  • Step 3: Pour the dry mixture into the liquid until it's a homogeneous, but sticky mass

  • Step 4: Take another basin, put half the oil in the bottom and deposit the dough on top

  • Step 5: Let her rest for 1 hour

  • Step 6: Once it has risen well, fold the dough twice very carefully and cover again

  • Step 7: You have to repeat this process two more times, with regular intervals for the dough to rise again

  • Step 8: Sprinkle flour on a smooth surface and place the dough carefully

  • Step 9: Divide the dough in two and leave them in the shape of a baguette (ciabatta), using the flour to model

  • Step 10: Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper

  • Step 11: Preheat the oven to 220 degrees celsius and bake for half an hour until the bread is golden


  • 1: You can serve the bread with vinaigrette or special sauces